Empowering busy moms on their fitness journey

My classes aren't just about physical fitness; they're about building a supportive tribe where we grow together.


We're not just breaking a sweat; we're creating a vibe

Specializing in core confidence and pelvic floor health, I'm here to make fitness not just about the body but about your whole self.


1:1 coaching sessions


Online classes




Happy clients

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office


From corporate to a fitness coach

At 43, I'm a proud mother of four amazing kids, ranging from 17 to 7 years old (including energetic twins).

I discovered an amazing and supportive community in group fitness classes, that became my anchor. Recognizing the transformative power of these classes, I took a leap of faith when asked if I wanted to become a fitness instructor. This decision was monumental, considering I had spent 15 years in the corporate world as an accountant. Juggling corporate life and motherhood became increasingly untenable, and I really wanted to be present in my kids´ lives.

You can create the life you want

You can create the life you want

My personal journey involves a childhood that spanned El Salvador, Nicaragua (yes, I speak Spanish too) and California before settling in Canada, while originally from Toronto, Ontario, I now call Alberta home where I live with my wonderful husband, we´ve been together for 22 years.

I spent a decade playing rugby, defying stereotypes about height. Standing at 4'11", I learned that confidence knows no height, and I carried this mindset into all aspects of my life.

These experiences have shaped my resilience, and I aim to instill in my kids the idea that it's okay to start and create a new life wherever you are, and I carry that to my coaching, I understand the importance of connection and community. My classes aren't just about physical fitness; they're about building a supportive tribe where we grow together.

Through my online coaching program  - I help women overcome the daily struggles of self doubt, not having enough time for themselves and building their confidence by creating a relationship and helping them along their fitness journey.  

People in the office
People in the office


I´m continually learning

Fitness instructor

Specialist in core confidence and pelvic floor health

Personal trainer

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I blend entertainment with personal anecdotes, creating a supportive community where everyone feels heard and understood.


My core values

I want to help you crush your goals and find the support you´re looking for.


Promote authenticity and transparency by sharing personal experiences to create genuine connections.


Helping you take control of your health and well-being.


Encouraging you to take responsibility for your health, while also providing a supportive structure for accountability and progress tracking.

Let's redefine what it means to be a strong and empowered mom

I look forward to being a part of your story.

Get the high-protein recipe book

Over 100 recipes of tasty high-protein dishes ready to help you accomplish your goals

Copyright 2023 All rights reserved - Marta Ritcey

Copyright 2023 All rights reserved - Marta Ritcey